Unifi Controller
Learn more about Unifi Controller.
(Find the Unifi Controller information widget here)
You can display general connectivity status from your Unifi (Network) Controller.
When authenticating you will want to use a local account that has at least read privileges.
An optional 'site' parameter can be supplied, if it is not the widget will use the default site for the controller.
Allowed fields: ["uptime", "wan", "lan", "lan_users", "lan_devices", "wlan", "wlan_users", "wlan_devices"]
(maximum of four). Fields unsupported by the unifi device will not be shown.
If you enter e.g. incorrect credentials and receive an "API Error", you may need to recreate the container to clear the cache.
type: unifi
url: https://unifi.host.or.ip:port
username: username
password: password
site: Site Name # optional
Added in v0.4.18, updated in 0.6.7