
This widget shows the running and total counts of both QEMU VMs and LX Containers in the Proxmox cluster. It also shows the CPU and memory usage of the first node in the cluster.

You will need to generate an API Token for new or an existing user. Here is an example of how to do this for a new user.

  1. Navigate to the Proxmox portal, click on Datacenter
  2. Expand Permissions, click on Groups
  3. Click the Create button
  4. Name the group something informative, like api-ro-users
  5. Click on the Permissions "folder"
  6. Click Add -> Group Permission
  7. Path: /
  8. Group: group from bullet 4 above
  9. Role: PVEAuditor
  10. Propagate: Checked
  11. Expand Permissions, click on Users
  12. Click the Add button
  13. User name: something informative like api
  14. Realm: Linux PAM standard authentication
  15. Group: group from bullet 4 above
  16. Expand Permissions, click on API Tokens
  17. Click the Add button
    • User: user from bullet 8 above
    • Token ID: something informative like the application or purpose like homepage
    • Privilege Separation: Checked
  18. Go back to the "Permissions" menu
  19. Click Add -> API Token Permission
    • Path: /
    • API Token: select the Token ID created in Step 10
    • Role: PVE Auditor
    • Propagate: Checked

Use username@pam!Token ID as the username (e.g api@pam!homepage) setting and Secret as the password setting.

Allowed fields: ["vms", "lxc", "resources.cpu", "resources.mem"].

You can set the optional node setting when you want to show metrics for a single node. By default it will show the average for the complete cluster.

  type: proxmox
  username: api_token_id
  password: api_token_secret
  node: pve-1 # optional